Getting Ahead: Teen Summer Treatment

With summer vacation swiftly approaching, teens across New Jersey are getting ready for two and half months of care-free fun. While sleeping in, playing video games, and hitting the beach might be on the agenda, summer is also a great time for self-improvement and preparing for September.

School Stressors

During the school year, teens experience anxiety, refusal, bullying, and other social issues that affect their mental health.

Treatment for these issues is often reactive. Individuals often only get help when they reach a “breaking point” or after a dramatic event, despite series of seemingly small warning signs.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to make immediate time for treatment. Parents are often reluctant to pull their children out of school or add an extra activity to their hectic schedule.

Once summer comes and school is out of the equation, however, many of these issues are forgotten and go untreated.

The Summer Solution

Summer vacation provides teens with the opportunity to address issues associated with school, such as anxiety, depression, school refusal, bullying, communication, when they aren’t actively happening.

Through a proactive approach to treatment, individuals learn the skills necessary to cope with the stressors before they arise in the coming year. Teens get ahead of the stress and triggers that they will inevitably experience, and be better equipped to control their emotions and respond to life with a healthy mind.

Teen Summer Treatment at Blueprint Mental Health

At Blueprint Mental Health, we recognize how stressful school can be for teens. We aim to provide our clients with the coping skills necessary to regulate their emotions, improve their relationships, and reduce this stress. Through the use of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), we treat teens experiencing anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

If you’re interested in summer treatment for your teen, call (908) 256-6965 or e-mail