Our Services

At Blueprint, we offer a wide variety of services to ensure you receive the absolute highest quality of care. While most of our clients come to Blueprint for individual therapy, many choose to supplement their individual sessions with some of the other services we offer. Here is a list of all of the services we offer:

Individual Therapy – One-on-one weekly sessions with your own private clinician.

Group Therapy – Blueprint hosts a wide variety of outpatient mental health groups that can be an awesome addition to individual sessions or great just on their own. Come hang with people your age having similar struggles and learn to overcome them together.

Family Therapy – This is not to be confused with a “family session.” In true family therapy, the entire family is the client and there is no one identified patient. This is a great way to work through some communication issues happening in the dynamics of your family.

Parent Coaching – This is awesome for the parents of current clients of Blueprint or someone reaching out for the first time. Here, a Blueprint clinician will work with you as parents on how to create the most efficient environment for helping your son or daughter thrive.

Couples With Kids Therapy – This is kinda self-explanatory but we’ll explain anyway. This service is basically couples counseling but with a focus on how the relationship is impacting the kids AND how the kids are impacting the relationship.

ERP (Exposure Response Prevention for OCD) – At Blueprint, we have clinicians specifically trained to help clients struggling with OCD.

Drop-In Parent Consultations – Blueprint offers “drop-in” parent coaching sessions. Here, you can schedule a one-time session with a Blueprint clinician to assess what’s going on with your child based on your reports and get some straight advice on how to be the best support possible. Many folks take advantage of the drop-in sessions while their child is on our waitlist and waiting to be seen. Find out more info, here.

Drop-In Family Sessions/Couple Sessions – Similar to the Drop-In Parent Consultations but for the family or a couple. No need to be a regular client of Blueprint to take advantage of this.

Life Coaching – Some folks maybe aren’t meeting the criteria for a mental health diagnosis but still would like to get some support on life questions from a 3rd party objective person. Life coaching meets this need.

Trauma Therapy, EMDR & EMDR Drop-In Consultations – EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an evidence-based approach that includes using rapid eye movements to reprocess traumatic events people have experienced. It has gained a lot of popularity over the past several years for treating trauma and more recently, EMDR has additionally been found to help with various other mental health challenges including anxiety, depression, self-esteem difficulties and more. It is a structured treatment model that targets reducing symptoms that people experience and improving their daily lives. Lindsay provides EMDR treatment at Blueprint.

EMDR Consultations – Lindsay provides EMDR consultation sessions for people interested in pursuing EMDR and want to learn more about what EMDR treatment looks like, while also providing the space to get to know Lindsay. While EMDR has gained a lot of buzz in the mental health field, many people don’t know what it truly is or entails. These consultations help people feel more informed about what EMDR is, what to expect when going through EMDR therapy and whether EMDR could be a good fit for them or their child. Common topics in consultations with Lindsay include general overview and information of EMDR, why someone is interested (or was recommended by another treatment provider) in EMDR, how it differs from talk therapy, how to know if you or your child is “ready” or a good candidate for EMDR, and simply a space to get to know Lindsay and ask her any questions you might have.

Adult Counseling – While Blueprint’s reputation began being well known for specializing in children, teens and young adults, for the last several years Blueprint has expanded services to also work with adults. More specifically, millennials, “adulting adults”, parents, and people of older ages who have never been to therapy before but want to give it a shot. For more information about adult counseling at Blueprint, click here.

Children (“Littles”) Therapy – Blueprint treats children beginning at 3 years young. There are several clinicians on the Blueprint team that treat children struggling with a range of emotional challenges including anxiety, worries, sadness, life/home transitions, anger, concentration, impulsivity and more. “Little’s” therapy looks very different than traditional talk therapy and typically includes play interventions, crafts, games, art, and various other activities that promote expression of emotions and healthy coping skills. Children often don’t have the vocabulary or communication skills to express their emotions and instead typically communicate through behaviors. Our clinicians work hard to build your child’s trust and create a safe space. While this certainly takes time (some more time than others), once this is established kids start to feel more comfortable talking or expressing their emotions. This allows our therapists to get to know and understand what’s going on in the child’s emotional world that could be resulting in various behavioral difficulties ranging from avoidance, shutting down, outbursts, challenges in school or at home, etc.

Don’t worry parents – our therapists will involve you too! Often, our Client Relations team will recommend a Parent Consultation with one of our therapists first to ensure that we are the right fit for your child prior to your child starting. The younger the child, the more likely a Parent Consultation will be recommended.

Parents, Check out our FAQ page here for more details about what to expect when your child is starting with us.


If you would like to get started or have questions you would like answered, please schedule a free consult call below. You will be contacted at the time you choose by one of our client relations reps, Sam, Nikki, or Deonna. All of these guys know our practice inside and out and will be able to answer all of your questions and pair you with the clinician on OUR TEAM who is the most clinically appropriate for your needs. For more detailed information on what to expect, please visit our How to Get Started page.

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