Reduced Rate Counseling

Blueprint Mental Health is proud to announce the launch of our new Junior Varsity Program! Scott, Sam, and Helen of our Client Relations team have been with us for over a year and are now ready to transition into their roles as Blueprint Interns. These are not your typical interns though. These guys have been personally mentored by the Blueprint clinicians, have sat in and contributed to our weekly clinical rounds, and are in a place now where John and Michele are confident in their abilities to support our clients. Some highlights of the Junior Varsity program are:

  • Sessions are only $70
  • Each intern will be paired with a senior clinician from Blueprint to serve as a clinical advisor
  • Blueprint will never pair an intern with a client we don’t feel is clinically appropriate
  • These guys are awesome and like the rest of our team, were selected due to their natural ability to connect. 
  • You’ll be one of only 5 clients that each intern will be working with.

It’s no secret that it has been extremely difficult to find a therapist with availability these days. This program hopes to alleviate some of that difficulty and give folks from the community an opportunity to work with Blueprint Mental Health at a deeply reduced rate.

If you are interested in becoming a client in our Junior Varsity Program, click the calendar below to schedule a consult call. Don’t hesitate though…slots are limited


If you would like to get started or have questions you would like answered, please schedule a free consult call below. You will be contacted at the time you choose by one of our client relations reps, Helen, Scott, or Sam. All of these guys know our practice inside and out and will be able to answer all of your questions and pair you with the clinician on OUR TEAM who is the most clinically appropriate for your needs. For more detailed information on what to expect, please visit our How to Get Started page.

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