
Message from Owners:

We’re John and Michele, the owners of Blueprint Mental Health. When we created Blueprint back in 2016, we vividly imagined what our practice was going to be in the future. First and foremost, we knew that the number one thing on our list was that we wanted to be a mental health practice with a reputation for offering the absolute highest quality of clinical care. Next, we knew we wanted to build a team of like-minded individuals who all have a natural ability to connect and that our team would really be a family…not just say we are because it sounds good. Finally, we wanted to create a space at 73 West End that welcomed our clients, didn’t feel clinical at all, and would provide an environment that had calming energy for all.

Fast forward to today and all of our dreams are coming true. Reading through these testimonials has warmed our hearts and even brought a few tears. Thank you all for being part of our lives. We hope you enjoy reading these testimonials as much as we did.

“I feel like the fact that our relationship isn’t so clinical where I feel like I’m sitting across from someone who doesn’t know me and is just listening to what I say and nodding, but truly digesting it, relating, joking, etc. Our sessions can occasionally be me word vomiting when I need it, but most of the time they’re more conversational and I feel like I’m not just sitting across from someone who got their degree because they are good at school and understand psych material. In my opinion, it’s more important that therapists/psychologists/psychiatrists have really great relational soft skills to be able to understand their patients. You have that and I think that’s really hard to find. I could keep going lol… but in sum, you understand me the way Stutz understands Jonah. That allows you to use our conversations to steer my head in the right direction.”


– Blueprint Client, 25 years old, works with Michele

“I would like to say that we have had an absolutely wonderful experience with Jason as Blueprint. Hands down Jason gave (my son) the tools he needs to help overcome his OCD/compulsions. Jason was exactly the type of therapist (my son) needed. He was easy to talk to, was direct and to the point. Jason looped my husband and I in when needed and just communicated in such a professional and personal way. (My son) has some work to do on his own and we are confident he is heading in the right direction thanks to Jason and his patience and expertise in this area. We kept the door open for the future if (my son) needs to talk to Jason in the future. Please let Jason know how much we appreciated him and let him know (my son) has made significant progress in the last two weeks since closure!!!! I am sure he will be very happy to hear this news!

On the operations side your systems are set up just perfect. Reminders, bills, links you name it, it was so easy!!! So, thank you and your team for making it so easy.”


– Parent of teenager, worked with Jason

“This is (my daughters) first experience with therapy so I wasn’t sure how she was going to react, but I was pleasantly surprised with how relaxed she was from the moment we walked in the door. John and Michele did an amazing job creating a comfortable and welcoming environment for their young clients. (My daughter) thought it was “so cool” and stated several times that she really liked it and thinks Taylar is super nice! I have been very impressed by everything I heard and read about Blueprint, as well as the professionalism of the staff I have dealt with so far. I left there on Saturday feeling like we made the best decision for (my daughter) by bringing her to Blueprint!”


– Parent of a “little”, works with Taylar

“Although my time was short, it was an impactful one that made me realize just how important my voice and feelings are. Sarah was genuine and sweet right from the start. She made me feel safe, valued and secure in opening up to her. I will forever m=be thankful for having met her, and for the time and advice/guidance she provided me. For whomever I may cross paths with, I will always know Blueprint as a warm, welcoming place to reach out to if anyone is wanting or needing guidance and support. I was truly taken back at the warmth that your “home” exuded instantly upon walking through the doors. A nerve-racking experience became a calming one. My hats off to you and your husband for creating this environment because I’m sure I can speak for many in regards to that.”


– Young adult past client, worked with Sarah

“I’m so appreciative for Samantha’s guidance. (My daughter) thought she was very supportive without being judgmental and preachy. It helped her to talk with someone who was younger and could understand what she was going through. I think we were able to show Maggie positive solutions for her emotions. Coming to Blueprint was the right decision and it’s reassuring to know if we ever need to come back we can. Thank you!”


– Parent of a “little”, worked with Sam

“Thank you for everything. You have helped my boy find peace and love and the ability to face changes in his life. We will be back. For him, for siblings, we have a lot to still unpack in our mental world…but I want to give him a time to take a long break to implement what he learned and be free to run around and play and not have (his father) or I have to drive him at dinner time. From the bottom of my heart thank you. And I hope with all my heart we shall chat again and be able to have you help another of my little peanuts as life brings up challenges and changes and they need some extra support.”


– Parent of a little, worked with Allison

“I see improvement in her mood, personality, she joined a few clubs and her grades improved. I think it’s most likely a combination of a lot of things but I think therapy is really helping her. She does not have a lot of people to talk to. My relationship with her has never been stronger and that’s good too. She is also getting along with her brother pretty well.”


– Parent of a pre-teen, worked with Surbhi

“Carly is such a good fit for me, I wish I could keep seeing her! We are close in age and have similar interests so that helped me feel comfortable seeing her. I appreciate how attentive and insightful she is and how much she remembers from previous sessions. She really helped me in a time where I was ready to make changes and I’m going to miss her so much.”


– Young adult, worked with Carly

I was referred to Blueprint through a friend who started going here. She has been here for a few months and everytime I mentioned I was considering seeing a therapist too, I heard nothing but praise from her. Granted, I was still very nervous to get started, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart when I say I have never been so comfortable in a new environment before. (I also met Toby -I believe he was the dog I met if I’m remembering correctly- and he’s so chill. I love him.)

“In the time leading up to my first session I was very nervous. Sam -who I spoke to for my consultation call- was amazing. I even told her how nervous I was -not that she probably needed me to, I’m pretty sure I sounded like I was panicking anyway😂. But she really made me feel like there was nothing to worry about, so we set up my first session that day, and she was very correct about me not having to worry.

I’ve never been to therapy or had any kind of help like this. But everyone I met has been so kind. Lindsay is so awesome! She helped me to feel right at home and it wasn’t long into my first session that I didn’t feel anxious anymore. (Which was very surprising to me- usually it takes me two to three times of repeatedly doing something to stop feeling nervous about it).

On a semi-related note, my dad has been the one to primarily support me in my adventure of getting help. He was thrilled to hear that I scheduled a consultation call let alone make appointments for sessions all in the same day. (So yay high marks from dad too🎉) What I mean to say with that is: Blueprint definitely feels like a good fit for me, and the family and friends I’ve told also seem to think so as well.

Additionally, I don’t live in the most lgbt+ accepting of homes. I was super nervous about that part of things and feeling very self-conscious about bringing that up with anyone. (Generally I revert to wording things in a way of feeling unsure rather than “this is how I feel” – at to be completely honest I mostly did that here too to be on the safe side). But again, you guys helped me to feel really comfortable and I don’t feel that subconscious worry of not being seen as myself. This is the first place/people (with the exception of my friends) that I’ve been involved in that have been respectful of my name and pronouns right off the bat despite knowing my legal name and I wanted to say how much I appreciate that. More often than not, my name and pronouns are ignored- and the fact that all of you have been so accepting of that really does mean a lot to me.

So, in conclusion… Everything is going really well. Lindsay is awesome. Everyone I’ve met has been so friendly, and your dogs are lovely.

I’m so happy to be taking this step forward to take care of my mental health, and I’m happy that it’s here. Blueprint made me feel right at home and continues to do so every Tuesday when I walk in. 🙂


– Young adult Blueprinter, worked with Lindsay

“From the first moment that we walked into Blueprint, I felt very comfortable. Then, upon meeting with Sam, I knew this was the place that would be able to help my daughter (and myself). It was not a ‘stuffy’, or ‘uneasy’ feeling as we had in prior offices, it was very welcoming, and understanding of our concerns. Sam was also VERY quick to engage and build rapport with my daughter, something the other therapists never did. Rebekah happily played the beach ball questions ‘game’, and I could visually see her opening up. We both left with a big smile on our faces, and (my daughter) has already asked me twice when she gets to see “Ms Sam” again. I don’t take writing reviews or feedback lightly, but I’m SO thrilled that (my daughter) has found a place (and person) that she can trust, and we are finally on the road to getting her the help that she needs.


– Parent, little, works with Sam

“First, Surbhi was a gift to me. She bonded with (my daughter) in the first appointment. She was completely relatable and open minded. (My daughter) is not an emotional kid. She barely shows shows any or opens up her feelings. (My daughter) opened up pretty quickly and felt comfortable talking about some pretty heavy stuff. She gave (my daughter) goals and challenged her. I have seen so much progress in her.”


– Parent, daughter works with Surbhi

“My daughter absolutely loved the summer program. She is always reminding me to check the site for new groups for her to participate in-which is BIG. She is very resistant to therapies, etc. Through Chick Talk she realized that it is the individual sessions she doesn’t care for & enjoyed & looked forward to the group environment. (hopefully there are new ones soon!) I have always heard fantastic things about Blueprint, and now I know why! Everyone involved on behalf of Blueprint were kind & knowledgeable. I didn’t need to have much contact, but I always felt that everyone was genuinely interested in my daughter’s success, and never felt like a ‘customer of a business’.


– Parent

“Initially, I was uncertain if teletherapy would be effective as is seemed difficult to connect with someone through a screen, but I quickly saw that it was not an issue at all. My only disappointment is that we never got to meet Toby and Charlie! I love that Leah said we could reach out to her at any time if Brady needed any additional support in the future. Thank you for a great experience!”


– Parent of a little, worked with Leah via teletherapy

“My son Nicholas did very well with Leah. She was a great fit for him. He has improved emotionally and socially with her help. He works really hard to be mindful and use the tools that Leah taught him. He is a few weeks out since graduating and has been doing great. His anxiety is under control even with the start of middle school. I will reach out for sure if I notice any signs of the anxiety creeping back in and becoming too much for him.”


– Parent of little, worked with Leah

“(My daughter) likes the fact that Carly is young(er) so she believes she will understand her ‘more’ and over the weekend she mentioned a topic (that escapes me at the moment) she thought might be good to speak to Carly about, which I took as a good sign.
Overall, everyone who I have spoken with has been thoughtful and professional.”


– Parent of teenager, works with Carly

“Scott was great to have my sessions with. I valued his input and really appreciated his perspectives on the things I was experiencing in life. He has a common sense approach to things and is very relatable to. I hope to meet with Scott again when I am home on my college breaks.”


– Young adult Blueprinter, worked with Scott

“Both Michele and John have been fantastic resources for our family. Strongly recommend for anyone struggling with adolescents — with anxiety, depression, ADHD … Not only do they work with the children / young adults, but they work with the parents. Often times as parents, we need coping skills and strategies as much or more than the kids. The tools we have gained by working with them both have been invaluable. Highly recommend!”


– Parent

“My family and I have worked with John for many years. He has been an awesome help to all of us. He has a tremendous understanding of adolescents and helps them to take responsibility for their actions and behaviors in a kind and encouraging way. He also works with the families with a very non-judgmental and supportive attitude. On a professional level, as a school counselor, I have received nothing but positive feedback from students and families that I have referred to John!”


– Kathy

School Counselor

“[I was] very impressed with John’s presentation and knowledge of adolescents and use of DBT. We will be sure to refer our families to supplement our therapeutic work at Sage Day School.”


– Gail Anne
Sage Day School

“To say my daughter and I were struggling last year would be an understatement. I had tried to figure things out on my own and it simply was not working. I finally came to accept that we needed some professional help if we were going to learn to have an effective relationship. After much research and a glowing recommendation from a friend I called Blueprint Mental Health. That initial call was probably the hardest. My fingers were shaking, my heart was racing and my voice was wavering. But I knew we were finally going to get the help we needed. Miss Michele was kind, non-judgmental and patient and scheduled us for an appointment that same week. The first few appointments I felt overwhelmed, defeated, and tired as all of my greatest concerns were now being witnessed by someone other than myself. We met with Miss Michele weekly and started making slow but steady progress. There were some techniques we tried that were not effective for my best girl. As Miss Michele got to know my daughter and I better she customized a behavior plan that specifically meet our needs. Fast forward almost a year later, our weekly sessions have become monthly – my daughter is thriving and most importantly we are enjoying each other’s company again. Don’t get me wrong, each day is not rainbows and butterflies. We will always have our challenges, but thanks for the arsenal of tools that Miss Michele has given us, we are prepared to face the sunny days as well as the rain. I am so grateful for all of the help and expert guidance we have received and I would recommend Blueprint Mental Health with the utmost confidence.”


– Parent


If you would like to get started or have questions you would like answered, please schedule a free consult call below. You will be contacted at the time you choose by one of our client relations reps, Sam, Nikki, or Deonna. All of these guys know our practice inside and out and will be able to answer all of your questions and pair you with the clinician on OUR TEAM who is the most clinically appropriate for your needs. For more detailed information on what to expect, please visit our How to Get Started page.

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