
5 Easy Ways to Make Time for Mindfulness

5 Easy Ways to Make Time for Mindfulness

When you think of the word "mindfulness," what images come to mind? A Buddhist monk meditating or maybe a private therapy session? The truth is that mindfulness doesn't require a special room or the help of a professional. Anyone can practice mindfulness at any point...

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2017 DBT Summer Series

2017 DBT Summer Series

It's summer! Time to kick back, relax, and pick up some DBT skills! John Mopper, LAC of Blueprint Mental Health will be offering two DBT training programs this summer: DBT Skills Training for Teens and DBT Skills Training for Parents/Caregivers. These 8-week programs...

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Mental Illness in Young People

Mental Illness in Young People

"Roughly half of all lifetime mental disorders...start by the mid‐teens and three‐fourths by the mid‐20s." (US National Library of Medicine; National Institutes of Health) Research shows us that most people with mental illness have been experiencing it...

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Quick Tips to Ditch Stress and Cope with Finals

Quick Tips to Ditch Stress and Cope with Finals

As the weather gets warmer and school draws to a close, students across America face one last buzzkill: final exams. With their GPAs hanging into balance and a year's worth of notes to read through, it's no wonder that final exam season comes with a ton of stress for...

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Getting Ahead: Teen Summer Treatment

Getting Ahead: Teen Summer Treatment

With summer vacation swiftly approaching, teens across New Jersey are getting ready for two and half months of care-free fun. While sleeping in, playing video games, and hitting the beach might be on the agenda, summer is also a great time for self-improvement and...

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Adolescent Group Therapy NJ: Peer Support Benefits

Adolescent Group Therapy NJ: Peer Support Benefits

When you picture going to a therapist, what does it look like? Perhaps, images of red couches and interpreting ink blots come to mind. You sit alone in a room while your therapist asks difficult questions and takes notes on a clipboard. But what if, instead, you're...

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Family Therapy NJ: Consistent Clinical Care

Family Therapy NJ: Consistent Clinical Care

Mental health is rarely isolated. The people around us will affect or be affected by our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Therefore, clinical treatment should not be isolated either. In order to best help a family or a struggling individual, therapy should be...

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NJ Teen Therapist: Finding Help When They Need It

NJ Teen Therapist: Finding Help When They Need It

When your teenager is experiencing mental health issues, finding help can be challenging. This can be especially hard when you and your child are having your own issues with communication. Sometimes, it can seem like s/he will only confide in their friends or their...

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